After 4 years since the last in-person edition, Ligna 2023 will finally take place live again![...]
Tools Ready in Stock: increasingly at your side!
Always more at your side. This is how.
2023 Calendar: Wirutex rewards a young artist
Youth and Creativity: this is the spirit that animated the Wirutex Award addressed to one of the[...]
IWF 2022: the countdown begins!
The countdown to IWF Atlanta 2022 has kicked off, with the most important trade fair in North[...]
Introducing the Wirutex 2022 calendar
TWELVE MONTHS OF ART BY SERENA RIGLIETTI The famous illustrator of the Italian version of Harry[...]
W-DrillCut: boring has never been so easy
Panel boring is a process that requires maximum precision. As is often the case, the choice of tool[...]
Wirutex at IWF Connect: Oct 26th-30th
Wirutex takes part in IWF Connect (previous IWF Atlanta), the new online tradeshow for the[...]
Drilling in wood processing: what tools are used?
Drilling is a process that enables holes of different sizes to be made in solid materials, using[...]
Composite wood panels and decorative surfacing
Planners, designers and manufacturers all agree: composite wood panels and decorative surfacing[...]